Dawn's Journal

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Emerging from the darkness

There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that 2020 has been tough on all of us. If it wasn’t wildfires, it was flooding; if it wasn’t a pandemic, it was lockdown cabin fever. I think we all deserve a round of applause for having come this far and still having our sanity.

I sense a shift in the air though, and maybe you do too. Perhaps it’s the first gentle whisper of Autumn, but I secretly suspect it might be… hope. Hope that things are turning towards a lighter, happier place and that 2020 is finally letting us breath and nurse our bruises.

Lockdown brought so many challenges that I barely know where to begin, or whether I should at all. Maybe I’ll leave those bruises to nurse just a little longer before I expose them to the light. In the meantime, I find my joy in writing—in two new shiny projects that are endlessly delightful. Well, maybe not delightful, not yet, but well on their way to becoming so. It has been a long, dark night of the soul and I am ready for a new leaf.

Going out and about, now that I am allowed to, has been like experiencing an intrepid voyage out to sea. Wildly exciting with a twinge of unease. Fresh air! Who would have thought of such a thing?? Life outside the walls of my home? NO! Drives through the countryside are slowly turning into more lingering moments—I’ve even watched a sunset or two at the beach. I even had a couple of picnics.

Life, it seems, goes on. I am delighted to meet it once again.

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